If you have looked at many other flight schools, you will find a concerning trend.
Unfortunately, the model for the airline industry is for aspiring airline pilots to obtain the necessary flying hours by teaching. While this sounds like a good way to obtain hours, it means having students PAY for the instructor's 'hour-building.'
This can lead to several problems:
The instructor has very little time actually flying a plane themselves, but they are teaching.
The instructor really is not interested in teaching, they are only using the time to build hours until they can leave for the airlines. Often this means abandoning a student in the middle of training as soon as they get called up.
The instructor does not have as many students as they would like, so they try to 'milk' the students that they do have for as long as they possibly can.
At DCS School of Flying, all of our instructors are here because they WANT to be teaching.
We don't hire instructors who are trying to build hours toward the airlines.
Chris considers himself first and foremost a 'lifelong educator.'
After getting out of the Navy, Chris obtained his Teaching Degree at Elizabethtown College. Afterwards he began teaching elementary students in York County. Along the line he decided that he might like to drive a truck, so he obtained his Commercial Drivers License and began driving.
In 2009, Chris decided to combine his love of teaching with the love of driving, and from it, the DCS School of Driving was founded. DCS School of Driving continues today with five trucks, a bus, and five instructors.
In 2018, Chris began flying.
It soon became apparent that this was another pastime that he loved and wanted to share with as many people as possible. Immediately upon obtaining his Private Pilot Certificate, Chris began to volunteer his time with Pilots N Paws, an organization which helps to transport unwanted animals from kill shelters, to areas where they can be adopted.
Upon reaching 300 hours, Chris also began volunteering with Angel Flight East, an organization which helps get patients who are unable to use commercial flights due to medical concerns, get to appointment and treatments.
Of course, having gone this far, it only seemed to make sense to continue on to the Flight Instructor level, and make it possible to offer the joy of flight to other people.
In 2021 DCS School of Flying was added to the DCS Family of Schools.
Chris has no intention whatsoever, of ever going to the airlines. He teaches because he ENJOYS teaching and wants to pass along to others what others have shared with him.
DCS, airplane, plane, instruction, flight, instructor, aviation, lesson, school, flight school, flying school, pilot, pilot school, lessons,