After you have covered the material in your Ground School course, its time to get outside and put it to use!

We will cover everything that you need to know to successfully complete your mission to become a pilot.  From Inspecting the Plane before you are ready to start your flight, to Inspecting the Plane after return from your flight, and everything in between.

During the Flight Skills portion of training we will achieve the following objectives:

1). Complete a comprehensive Pre-Flight Inspection

2). Safely Taxi the aircraft in various settings and be able to identify and explain the meaning of various airport ground signs.
3). Safely take-off and land in various conditions and settings, such as cross-wind, short field, and soft field conditions.
4). Safely conduct level flight, climbs and descents, shallow and medium turns, and understand and be able to explain the aeronautical principles behind these maneuvers.
5). Safely perform ground-referenced maneuvers such as turns around a rectangular course, turns around a point, and S Turns.
6). Safely perform performance maneuvers such as steep turns, slow flight, power on and power off stalls.
7). Understand and safely demonstrate emergency procedures at various stages of flight.
8). Safely and correctly enter the traffic pattern at both towered and non-towered airports and maneuver into landing position.
9). Demonstrate good radio communication with Air Traffic Control and other pilots. This will be done by speaking with ground and tower at towered airports, making traffic calls on non-towered airports, and speaking with approach control to facilitate flight following.
10). Plan a cross country trip, using VFR Sectional charts, making calculations and corrections for winds and compass errors, and safely fly that trip using the Pilotage method.
11). Learn basic Instrument Skills to be used in the event of inadvertent entrance into Instrument Conditions.
12). Conduct a Post-Flight Inspection, noting any problems to be corrected before the next flight.

Upon mastery of these skills you will test with a Pilot Examiner to obtain your Pilot Certificate.

DCS, airplane, plane, instruction, flight, instructor, aviation, lesson, school, flight school, flying school, pilot, pilot school, lessons,

DCS School of Flying Phone:
(717) 586-9648